Tuesday, September 2, 2008

an army of teachers...

I'm supposed to be making sure that my newly-minted play makes enough sense so that the actors aren't tripping over exposed spelling errors and un-deleted non-sensical monologues, but I decided I wanted to blog first.

I know this is back to school time, and students everywhere are groaning and trying to squeeze a few more precious drops of freedom out of the pulpy orange of summer. But I am reminded of something else, something I never really though about when I was growing up: the army of teachers who are gearing up, spending their own money on books and crayons and kleenex, reading Catcher In The Rye for the two-hundreth time, and decorating their classrooms with the help of husbands and children. They create safe spaces for young people. They are the dream-enablers of our world.

So to my sister, my friends, and every teacher I have ever had, from kindergarten to college, thank you!


Barb said...

Awwww. You made me cry.

momma sue said...

You left a pleasant memory or two for all you teachers through the years. Whenever we see one of them they still ask about you and tell me a funny story! It is students like you that make the teachers keep coming back!