Monday, August 24, 2009

annebriated poem (read at your own risk- spacing is not accurate!)

i don't care what you are and what you're not
i want you to be my cosmonaut
we'll take off in a ship
you'll steer and i'll fix shit
that breaks along the way

magic grandma magnet fingers
bringing people together and closing
in on what could be
like being tucked in
at night

and about the water
happy on the sides of my beer glass
my mini air conditioner
some beer in
and we're talking about
porn star girlfriends
of her ex-boyfriend
and supporting each other fully
in our statements
of insobriety
and happiness
we don't do this often (enough)
“nothing more important than to know
someone is listenin'” they sing
because i have the speakers turned down
so that the neighbors can sleep
measuring the oscillations
of guitar strings
we can see
hearts beat
and eyes blink
“your mother has a basement full of sentimental value!”
Said angrily
makes us both laugh
cat stretches on the floor
and the sound in my brain
goes “strrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrecccchhhhhhh”
and it is perfect
another knob creek
and it looks like maple syrup
and tastes like
nail polish remover
my parents want to get
a dachshund.
It looks like this:
double dapple
or maybe
a sable
(hard to tell)
this poem
is shaped
like mt.
tipped up
on it's side
harry truman
not the president
was swallowed
the pyroclastic flow
as it
lived it's breaths
evaporating lakes
and steaming trees
like noodles
(a long haired sable dachshund)
it's all about
making people
only one more time.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love it! I want a cosmonaut