Wednesday, March 30, 2011


if we're quiet
we can take a sunny afternoon
and disappear into the woods behind the house
for some reason i don't understand
(there was a scientific explanation, and a casual mention in the local papers)
the dragonflies had expatriated
by the thousands.

i'm sure you'll study
and by the weekend you'll tell me
all about the reproductive cycles
and flight speeds
and scientific names
but not right now
because we are being quiet
lying on our backs
listening to their wings
and looking directly at the sun.


we meant to read the paper
and we meant to drink the coffee
after a robin pulled an earthworm from the front garden
we got a little distracted.
it had been a long winter
and there was never anything interesting in the local paper.
so the coffee waited
until the early afternoon
and we drank it
sitting in the garden
with the thawing gnomes
and nightcrawlers.

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