Sunday, July 27, 2008

Newly re-committed to blogging...

So where have I been?

A lot has happened in between posts, but I'll just give you the bits and pieces.

-ex-girlfriend and I are still broken up. some back and forth but mostly just old heart-strings sounding familiar chords.

-been dating, and found something still thumping in my heart. still heart-broken, though.

-saw the new Batman movie. was slightly put-off by his implementation of his bat-eared patriot act. the joker was incredible. hilarious and frightening at the same time. wish we could see more of him.

- returned to my roots. wisconsin is as beautiful as ever. reconnected with so many old friends,and very very happy about that.

I just re-read "Hardcore Zen" by Brad Warner. It is simply amazing how many things this book made me think about; I've been meditating every day, and so far it has been an interesting adventure. This is something that I would like to continue doing, and I'd like to find a teacher in San Diego to help me out.

If I've learned anything in the past three months, it is this:

Your mind and body tell you many things, but above all they tell you the truth. Listen to them.

Thats it for now...

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