Wednesday, August 20, 2008

LeRoi Moore

I found out today that LeRoi Moore died- which makes me very sad, since I had spent many happy hours listening to Dave Matthews Band, and being a sax player myself I always felt a special connection with him. I was hoping that he would recover from his accident in time to play with DMB in San Diego this summer.

If I have one defining memory of LeRoi's music, it would have to be a version of Long Black Veil that he played alone with Dave during the encore at one of their Gorge shows. There was something about the way his tenor saxophone matched up with the mood of the song. It was dark, there was some smoke in the air, and the whole place just took on this mood... like we were all living within the song. I got chills, and I still do just thinking about it. A close second would be his flute solo at the top of Say Goodbye. The guy was amazing, and the world is a less musical place without him.

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