Saturday, August 23, 2008

need to know the lingo.

My older sister is a scrap-booker. She is crazy about it. Rabid. Insane. We were on our way to Disneyland (yeah!) and we stopped at Chick-fil-a. There was an article framed on the wall about how excited the local strip mall was that Chick-fil-a had opened. I totally understand, at one point my now-married-ex and I used to drive 40 miles round-trip at least once a week just to get a chicken biscuit. Anyway, she sees this article, and one tiny line says something like:
Sue Johnson, assistant manager at a scrap-booking store, says her staff is excited about the new Chick-fil-a. "We've been watching them build it, and we can't wait to get some nuggets!"
My sisters reaction: "OH MY GOD. THERE IS A SCRAPBOOK STORE WITHIN SIGHT OF THIS CHICK-FIL-A." Uh-oh. I just want to eat my chicken sandwich and get to Disneyland before the Indiana Jones line starts to wrap around the Jungle Cruise. Well, that wasn't gonna happen. While we did know that there was a SB store nearby, we didn't know where, only that they could see the Chick-fil-a from the store. So we drove around the strip mall (okay, it wasn't just a strip mall. This is So-Cal, where strip malls are the size of Midwestern towns.) But hey, she WAS on vacation, so I just let it slide, and we drove around looking for the place. Seems that Barb has a built-in radar that can detect any scrapping activity within a mile or so, and we found the place rather quickly. She was even an expedient shopper (I think the promise of Big Thunder Mountain had something to do with this) I was a little dismayed that she bought 10 sheets of paper, but she seemed to think that it was the most incredible paper ever made. I have to admit, it was pretty, and it would look great with some die-cut lettering and maybe a cute picture of a baby or a puppy. Anyway, I visit Barb's blog often (here it is) but I am often baffelled by the scrap-booking lingo. She often encourages her friends to play along with "challenges" that she posts. Here is an example, from today's post:

Play along if you can. . . there's a RAK involved.

Basically, all you have to do is make a mini that answers these 10 questions:
What is in your refrigerator?
What is your accessory of choice?
What or who are you crushing on right now?
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Who is your BFF?
What are 3 words that describe you best?
Who do you miss the most?
What are you learning right now?
What is your favorite smell?
What is your most "valuable" possession?

Now, I have no idea what any of this means, but I really want to take part. I mean, she is my sister and it is fun to keep in touch with her. RAK? Really Awkward Kid (which I'm assuming that many scrap bookers probably were.) Or maybe Resplendently Awesome Kibbutz? Ok, I'm just going to ignore that. "All you have to do is make a mini..." ALL I have to do? What the hell is a mini? The only mini's I am familiar with are Ipods and skirts. And I don't have the faintest idea how to manufacture either of those, nor how to get them to answer those 10 questions. But... I need not worry. Because Barb herself has completed the task in an astoundingly short amount of time (HOW DOES SHE DO THAT!?) and the results are visible on her page... I see now that a mini is some sort of small book that involves aformentioned paper, pictures, and die-cut letters. Hers looks amazing, while mine would surely resemble an Eric Carlyle book that as left out in the rain and then run over by a garbage truck. So I'm doing answering her challenge in a way that suits me better. For each question, I've written a haiku... here you go:

loaf of bread with mold
a single leaf of lettuce
makes a fuzz sandwich.

shove into my ears
the music of bruce springsteen
someday i'll go deaf

i can't really say
because you never do know
who might read your blog

alone in the woods
where they build big houses now
explore my kingdom

he lives in boston
and likes to beat on the drums
my big-footed friend


blue eyes like mine
she lives in the place I'm from
my sister, which one?

how to make new friends
make them read the stuff I write
what is a Buddhist?

February nights
Jacaranda trees in bloom
the smell of purple

a quilt made for me
it begins to fall apart
from drying my tears

There you have it. My RAK Mini response to Barb's Challenge.


Barb said...

My answer to your haiku. . .

Beautiful paper
waiting to be cut and glued
recording the day

(P.S. Not quite sure if I should be offended by your re-telling of the scrapbook story or not. But, it does have to be said that that store isn't open anymore - I looked last time I went to Disney and Chik-fil-a.)

Denise said...

Barb leds us to you. Glad she did, because I have never seen anyone use Haiku that thoroughly. I am not as well-versed in Haiku, but here goes:

Your sister is cool
She knows how to use sissors
You should scrapbook too

If you did scrapbook, you would have a built in radar, too. It is awesome!

Thanks for that laugh.